Through a Glass, Darkly

Over the years my fiction writing has suffered from a faltering, stop-start development process. I've taken a couple of classes here and there online, and joined a few workshops, but there's always something that stops me from working on anything. The feeling of potential failure - if I don't write the thing I want to write, it can never be used against me in the future, the feeling of guilt that I should spend my time on something more useful, the demise of any kind of long term concentration after the advent of the internet (do people read anything long form these days?), the awareness of holes in my skillset (I can write a scene. I struggle to write plot, or character, or dialog, or...).
But realistically those holes can only be filled by routinely coming back to the keyboard and practising, so that's what I need to do. My first goal is one that's deliberately set at a low bar; I need to write 250 words every day. It doesn't have to be a continuation of the same work, there doesn't need to be anything particularly incisive about the prose, it just needs to exist.
I'll be publishing each days entry here, albeit not necessarily on the day of writing. Each entry will be as is; self editing will be strictly avoided. I'll be tagging them with 250days so they can be collectively grouped and ignored, but they'll exist here if anybody particularly wants to read them.